Now onto the baby...Everything looked great once again and I must say that I am rather spoiled I know with getting 2 ultra sounds in one week! Believe it or not, the baby has grown a lot since MONDAY! It is unreal!! I was measuring 1 day behind all along, but now I am measuring a day ahead. Last u/s I did not get to see the baby actually move, he/she was too busy sleeping to be bothered. Today though I made sure I got to see at least a little wiggle and after prodding and a little poking around sure enough it started kicking its little legs!! SO incredible!! Words can not describe that feeling that rushed over me. Seeing it move makes it feel so much more real. Its not just a picture anymore, but a real live baby! MY baby!! And s/he was in a total different position than last time so we got some different shots. Here they are, Enjoy!
Both the RE and OB said that if I wanted to go ahead and tell Kay that I am safe to at this time. Being (almost) 10 weeks and seeing nice growth and strong h/b's since day one puts my risk of miscarriage now at 1-2%. So I think we are going to tell her today! I cant wait to see her reaction!!
I can't wait to hear her reaction!!!!!
WOOOHOOO! You have a little gummy bear baby too :) I am off to the my first appointment with my OB in a few minutes-- I am not sure if she will do an u/s I am sure she will because SHE hasn't gotten to see anything yet! But man I can't believe I am almost 13 weeks!!
I can't wait to hear how you tell lil miss!!! YEAh!!
Can't wait to hear what Kay thinks!!! So nice to be in the 1-2% range!!!!
so glad that everything is going well for you! hope to hear about kay's reaction soon, she is going to be a great big sister!
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