Total wight gain/loss? Up 29 pounds at my last OB appt.
Maternity cloths? Yes, and they are getting too small.
Stretch marks? Unfortunately, yes : ( Still just the 2 small ones on the underside of my belly. If you look closely on my bare belly pic, you can see the one.
Sleep? Pshhhh....I wish! I am waking at least 3 times a night to pee, and one of those times I am up for 1-2 hours because I cant fall back asleep.
Best moment last week? Finally feeling completely "ready" for the baby to come.
Movement? She has been a little rock star in there the last 2 days, but she has definite sleep/wake pattern.
Food cravings? Orange juice, despite my daily HORRIFIC heartburn!
Gender? Girl
Labor signs? Nothing new
Belly button in/out? All the way out
What I miss? Sleep...but I guess I can kiss that goodbye now.
What I am looking forward to? Seeing/meeting this little person that has been growing inside me for the last 9 months!
Milestones? Making it to full term status! Bring on the baby! The hospital bag is now packed and ready to go!
Oh and in bad milestone news...I haven't been sick in over a year, and of course I come down with a cold now : ( I am thankful its just a cold, and hope it goes away before I go into labor. I simply can not imagine being sick and going through labor. Cross your fingers for me please!!
Congrats hun! And now...tell the little miss that she can come out whenver she's ready! Lots of us can't wait to see her!
Beautiful pics of Kay below btw...she's such a doll!
Gorgeous!! Any time now :-)
You look awesome! I think little princess may be a nice Christmas present this year:)
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