How far along: 7 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Still haven't been weighed
Maternity clothes: Bella band is my best friend
Stretch marks: No, and hopefully never. I spent 34.00 on some Mama Mio Tummy Rub we'll see if it does what it says!!
Sleep: Still a lot...like 8-9 1/2 hours now.
Best moment last week: Seeing our baby for the first time!!
Movement: Still too early
Food cravings: not so much tomatoes anymore, but peanut butter and ORANGE FANTA...I seriously cant get enough of it, especially now that i know its caffeine free.
Gender: Starting to think boy
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out: In
What I miss: Sushi
What I am looking forward to: Going on our cruise next week!! And my next u/s in 2 weeks!
Milestones: Finding out we are just having one perfect little baby.
YEAH!!!!! I will have to copy this to mine-- well you know of course with my info... so jealous you get to go cruisin'!!!!
Congrats on your pregnancy. I have been struggling w/unexplained IF over the last 2 years...and gave birth to a DD 5 years ago. It's crazy how one's body can change over the years. Congrats on completing your family. Your DD will be so excited I bet!
Moving right along!!! So glad to hear it! Have an amazing time on your cruise. We went on a cruise when I was 6 weeks pregnant with Christian. We were on the boat for almost 2 weeks!!! That is where we told my daughter and my parents!!!! Enjoy
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