Friday, March 5, 2010

Show Us Your Life: A Typical Day

Show Us Your Life with Kelly's Korner

Kelly's Korner has a "Show Us Your Life" segment every Friday on her blog, and I thought it would be fun to participate in this one- What's Your Typical Day Like? I always find it interesting to see what other's people "typical" days looks here's mine.

5:30-7:30am: Wake up. Miss M (depending on what time she last ate) will wake sometime between this time frame, then Kay gets up around 7:30 also.

7:30-8:00am: Feed Kay breakfast and get her dressed and ready for school, pack her lunch and throw on something suitable for drop off at school.

8:15am: Leave to take Kay to school. I am lucky enough that my DH stays home with Miss M in the mornings, so I don't have to pack her up just to drop Kay off in the mornings- which is a huge help since we are always in a rush to get out the door.

9:00-10:00am: Eat breakfast (even if its while standing holding a baby!), if she was up early she will be napping now, and I will rush out the door for a quick workout- that is until DH calls me and summons me back home because he has to get to work, or the baby woke up. If she's up, this will be feeding/morning playtime and I skip the gym.

10:30am: Blog, work, check Facebook, work, check my other daily internet sites, work. You get the idea...

11:00-12:00pm: Shower, put makeup on, and get dressed for the day. Eat lunch and feed/play with Miss M.

12:00-2:o0pm: Run errands for the day, grocery shop, etc.

2:30pm: Get Kay from school.

3:00-5:00pm: Feed her a snack, feed/entertain Miss M, get Kay ready for what ever after school activity she has that day (she dances and swims) and head out the door.

5:00-6:00pm: Get home, prepare dinner, eat.

6:00pm: Clean up time! Unload/load the dishwasher, clear & clean the kitchen table, clean kitchen. Daddy spends time with the girls.

6:30pm: Homework time with Kay.

7:00-7:30pm: Get kids bathed and dressed for bed. Kay gets a bedtime snack and some TV time. Feed Miss M.

8:00-8:30pm: Story and bedtime for Kay.

9:00-10:30pm: Its Miss M time! She seems to be always awake during this time, so we have quite play with dim lights and she will usually eat again. I will also try and catch that days Oprah, or some other brain damaging reality show that I love to watch. Put Miss M to sleep.

10:30ish: Bed time for momma!


Ann Armenta said...

It looks like your day is just as crazy as mine!

I did one as well :)

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Loved reading about your day......For some reason I cannot sleep tonight so decided to blog hop.

Hope you will stop by...I just added some extra giveaways and will draw on Sat night