M Pie is 5 months old!
OMG I love love love this baby! She is so much fun! I don't have stats, but when I took her to the Dr. last week she weighed 14 pounds and some odd ounces. She is constantly chewing on her hands (and toes) and is drooling like crazy. She is laughing up a storm and is rolling around and scooting everywhere! She has started sitting unassisted for short periods of time and is reaching out for toys while playing on her tummy. She knows her name now and will look if you call her. She is grabbing onto everything within her reach...
and tries to put everything in her mouth...
She is sleeping around 11-12 hours at night, going down between 8-8:30 and waking around 7-7:30. She takes 3 naps ranging from 30 min to 1 1/2 hours per day. She eats 6-7 oz. every 4 hours during the day. We haven't started solids yet, but plan to soon. Want a real mom confession here? We were going to start the other day, but the video camera was full and I refused to start without getting it on video (and not just my iphone video) and still haven't cleared it out yet. So we will start soon and you know you will hear all about it ; )
She loves: her sister, no one makes her laugh more or entertains her more than her sister! Sleeping on her tummy, tummy time, her exercauser, this toy, Sophie, and her fingers (the ones attached to her body as well as these!)
She hates: that damn car seat still, getting her nails clipped, and not getting her way. Hey, she may be baby but she knows what she wants!
how is she already 5 months?!?! Such a sweetie! Can't wait to see the solids, on video:)
OMG look how chubby she's gotten! Love it! SO stinking cute!
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