Friday, November 5, 2010

Big Girls

Somehow I woke up yesterday and it dawned on me how big my girls are getting. We've had an amazing week here at the P residence. First, huge news.....Kay has her first loose tooth! We were literally screaming together jumping for joy when we discovered it was wobbly! She is the only one in her class that hasn't lost a tooth yet, so this is MAJOR! It's about time, remeber this post? I mean, it could be months before that thing falls out, but still its a start and we are verrry excited. In other tooth news, Miss M got another tooth! It's her 5th! She now has her bottom two, and three on the top. So just like every other time she gets a tooth, she's been boogery and whiney pretty much all week. Happens.every.time.

Also, that little baby is RUNNING! Seriously, she started takings steps and 3 days later she was a full time walker. Now she literally is running...ahhhh...what am I going to do with this one? I tell her all the time that she's a baby and she needs to act like one, but she no listen. I love watching her learn new things, but at the same time it literally breaks my heart. She's turning into a toddler right before my very eyes, and I cant bear the thought :( With all these teeth and the running, she really is starting to look more and more like a toddler, and less and less like a baby.

And now I'll leave you with some pictures...because I simply cant resist showing off these 2 little ladies!

Here's baby M getting into stuff she's not allowed too.....caught red handed...

On her tippy toes, I love it...

And here she is getting mad at me when I tell her to stop...

She forgave me really quickly :)

And THIS ONE is growing up entirely too fast too....Look at her...all grown looking! NOT cool!

So beautiful she is....and that's baby Wyatt!
And even though this picture is from our Halloween party that we had, I just have to share it. We were playing a game of "Guess the witches body parts" and something totally freaked her out. I love this in the moment! I love her more than words can describe!!


Jamie said...

Thanks for sharing!! World's cutest kids!

osuraj said...

They are both precious! I laughed out loud at M's getting mad...too funny how they are really getting their own little personalities now and they are SO determined. :-)

Brooke said...

Your girls are so cute! That is quite a head band on your miss m. Will she keep it on long?