I'm home! IUI went perfectly and DH's count was 12.6 million. I am really feeling positive about this one! Here are the reasons why it is going to work this cycle:
*It my 3rd IUI (3rd times the charm, right?)
*I was the 7th insemination at my clinic this morning, and we all know lucky #7!! They have never had so many on a Saturday morning. I swear there is going to be a baby boom at my clinic and I want to be part of it!!
*My mom told me she had a feeling this morning that this one is going to work.
*I held my hand on my uterus and prayed the whole way home.
*Tomorrow is Kay's 5th birthday...what a better gift than a sibling?
Now the 2ww begins!
So to end my post, lets all try and find the positive in the things that we are struggling with. Lets try to learn and grow from it in some way. I refuse to let infertility rob me of everything. It has already taken SO much from me but I will not let it take my hope, my optimism, my chance to complete my family, and most of all my good spirit.