Sunday, January 30, 2011

If You Want To Jump Start Your Diet...

Drink one of these...

But don't drink more than 2 in a week, got it? Trust me on that one ; ) My BFF in LA swears by these Kumbucha drinks, so when we went out for a picnic on my last day there we picked one up a the local heath food store (they can be found at most health food stores or Whole Foods). After a weekend of eating horribly we needed to get back on track. It is a raw, organic, enzyme, living organism drink that really gets things moving if you know what I mean. It doesn't taste the greatest, but I can choke down 1/2 at time. I've really never had anything like it. Its a great way to jump start your diet! And don't freak by all the little things swimming it....that's the good make you skinny stuff! It's weird, but it works! 


Jaye said...

Ahh Kumbucha scares me! Ever since I read up on how it's made, I can't possibly stomach it! I've always wondered if it would taste good though, so at least you answered that for me :)

WantWait&Pray said...

I've had it before....but haven't heard of it used as a diet drink? More or less it's healthy and filled with healthy enzymes, probiotics, etc.

Amy said...

the little things that are swimming in it? that REALLY makes me wanna drink it :)

Lisa said...


How is it made? Please enlighten (or scare?) me!

Want, Wait, Pray,

It's not really a diet drink, but it "flushes" you out thats for sure-so a great way to cleanse :)

andrea said...

Oh man! I was just talking about kumbucha to a guy at our local whole foods store.. I'll definitely be trying it now!

SpontaneousMom said...

Does it get things moving in a "fine to go to work the next day" kind of way- or should you just wait until the weekend to drink one of these? LOL!

Shannon said...

I am going to try this- I have been doing really good on my diet (lost 20 lbs since Xmas) but I may need a jump start- gotta be beach ready by March! Oh and I think we have the same granite countertops! PRETTY!

Lisa said...

hahahah Spontaneous Mom! You should be fine : ) It does clean you out, but not in a scary way.

Brooke said...

I love it! I have been drinking about one a week for a few weeks now and I think its pretty tasty. My sister actually brews it at home. She just did a batch of blueberry flavored. Its much cheaper this way since its about $3 a bottle in the store. In comparison to what people spend on a starbucks coffee every day thats nothing. lol I am still breastfeeding so I gotta make sure I drink tons of water with it so as not to send those toxins into my breast milk. BUT it is great and so good for you!