Monday, July 12, 2010

Look at What I Woke Up To....

Yes, that is Little M, my 6 month old little baby, trying to pull herself up in her crib! I ran and grab the nearest picture taking device (which happened to be my cell phone as you can see). What a great way to start the day, filled with joy and that smiling face : )

And can I just say that, right after I ran to my husband and said "I told you so!" because a few weeks ago, while I was making him lower the crib, the whole time he was saying that we didn't need too, that she's just a little baby and that it would be months before we would have to worry about that....Men, what do they know ; ) 

Working on her 6 month update post today...just 2 weeks a little late!


Amy said...

oh watch out! Clearly her and my son got the same memo! He is 8mths and trying to walk.

Brianna said...

My son greeted me the same way two days ago. It is so much fun to watch them grow and learn how to do new things!

Momma Wilson said...

she's getting so big!!!

Ann Armenta said...

Awww! She's getting SO big!!! So cute though!!