Tuesday, October 14, 2008
So where do we go from here? Well for now we are going to take a "break" the next month or two. We are going to see what continues to happen with DH's count because he is still on his injects. He goes back to the uro next month, and I will have to go back to the RE On CD 1 to make sure my ovaries went back down to normal. Depending on how that goes we may or may not go forward with another IVF in Dec or Jan. So until then I may not be blogging much about IF or babies. I kind of need a mental "breather" from it all. Of course we will continue to try at home during this time and you never know maybe we will get one of those "miracle break cycle BFP's".
So for now I am just focusing on my beautiful daughter and husband and taking things one day at a time. After all this, it has made me feel even more grateful and lucky to have such a perfect little girl!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
May Be Cancelled Today...
My rock star ovaries went into overdrive and it looks like I am overstimulating. I had a feeling that might happen to me considering my high antral follie counts and the fact I have never even taken clomid before, so had no idea how I would respond to injectables. So I cant say that I am shocked. Things were going (pretty) smoothly until yesterday. I have another b/w and u/s this morning to figure out where to go from here. At this point I don't even care if it gets cancelled, I am so over the stress, emotions, and discomfort from all this. I am SO bloated and seriously cant even button my pants!!
All those shots for nothing, my belly has little bruises all over it and it is so sore. Oh well. At least I did not open all my meds and they don't expire for a long time. The nurse said we can try again in Dec/Jan. if we want, which is not that far away. Or we may wait and do another S/A next month to see if DH has improved at all since being on the shots for a few months now. My DH has been great and helping me keep a postitive outlook on all of this.
We'll see what happens today. Wish me luck, and thank you for all your kind words and support through all of this!!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
First Shot(s) Down...Many To Go...
I have a confession though, as you will see in the pics below it looks as if I gave myself the shots, when really in the end I had to have my DH do the dirty work as you can see in the last picture. I tried, but I just COULD NOT push the needle in. I will try again tonight. So without further ado, here are some pics from last nights festivites:

Thursday, October 2, 2008
All Set
I have not been updating my blog because first I was sick and then I have not been sleeping well the last couple nights...therefore have not been my usual energetic self. Hopefully that will all change now that I got a decent nights sleep last night. YAY!
And I promise I will upload some pics soon!
Got the call...I start 150iu of follistim and 50units of low dose HCG on sat. and go in for my first follie scan on monday!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Got My Med List...Wowza~!
So now onto the drugs....
I will start stims next Saturday using Follistim Then at some point I will be adding Ganirelix and low dose HCG to the list of daily injections. I will also be taking baby asprin and a pnv everyday. I will be going in every other day for a visit with the vag cam and to get b/w, then on CD 8 I will also start OPK's which that will be weird because I gave those up many a months ago.
When I have produced a good number of follicles I will do a trigger shot (my last shot!!) of either Ovidrel or Lupron depending on how things have progressed, have my ER, then I get to start a whole other list of meds! But at least I will be done with the shots at this point! After ER will start a oral steriod, Estrace, and a progesterone supplement(either PIO, suppositories, gels, or pills).
Stay tuned for the obligatory IVF Med pic, I am picking them up on Monday!! Now time to try and get some rest, hope everyone has a great weekend!
Monday, September 22, 2008
I finally got to pee!!! AHHHHHHH relief....Then it was onto the second round of the show.
The saline sonogram. It's basically a in depth ultra sound of the uterine cavity and tubes. He inserted another catheter, then the ballon and shot the saline through my uterus, then came the trusty vag cam to check things out in there. So I had both a catheter and the vag cam all at once...don't be jealous. It was pretty much just like the HSG, except with the vag cam too. Again, painless for me thank god.
I left with some AF like cramps, and have had them on and off today but nothing unbearable. Everything looked good, and my RE even mentioned to me that I have a "great looking uterus" and that he thinks "I am going to do great with the IVF and get lots of good eggs"!!
So now all the testing is officially done and it's onto the teaching, pay 10,000 to hopefully have a baby, and sign my life away appointment this Thursday!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Moving Right Along...
Tuesday DH is leaving to go on a short business trip...I hate being alone at night. So I will probably have Kaylee sleep in my bed with me, and I am sure she will love that. We'll have like a little slumber party.
I forgot to mention that the other day Kay prayed to god again for a sibling. This time it was for a brother AND a sister! It is so sad to see her want and wish for something so bad, and whats worse is that it is far out of my control. I should be able to give her that....but I can't. All I could think was "Oh she has no idea....Mommy's working on it." But I had to play it off and say once again that "When god thinks its the right time it will happen".
This has to work.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
We Got Our IVF Schedule
9/22: Mock transfer
9/25: Consent signing and inject teaching visit
9/30: Stop taking BCP
10/1: Go in for final b/w and u/s
10/4: Start injectable stimming meds!
10/12ish: ER
10/18-20ish: ET
11/1-3ish: Beta!!
AND do you know what is so totally amazing about that??? October 20th is our anniversary!! I could get knocked up that day! That would be amazing and I think it is a sign ;)
Anyways, I don't have our exact protocol or know which meds I will be taking yet, I will get those the day of our teaching visit. I have just barely started this process and already had a mini freak out today. I can really see now how IVF can be so extremely mentally and emotionally draining...and I JUST started. It truly makes me respect the women who have gone through mulitple IVF's. My hat is off to you ladies...You are my hero's!
Monday, September 15, 2008
OMG...IVF #1 is starting!!!
The hardest part to swollow is the costs. It is going to cost us $10,050 for the IVF itself, plus another 1800-3500 for the mediacation that goes along with it. And that is for ONE try. All I can do is pray that it works.
So tomorrow I should be getting a call from the IVF coordinator who will give my schedule and dates, next monday I have my sono mock, then in the next 2-3 weeks I will have my teaching visit. I can't tell you how happy I am!!!
I can not believe this is happening, I am SOOO excited but also very nervous. This is no small procdure...we are pulling out the big guns here! IVF here we come....
Friday, September 12, 2008
IVF do You?

The RE's office called today to confirm cancelling our upcoming IUI cycle this month due to DH's last S/A results...we knew that was gonna happen. They're recommendation is that we now pursue IVF w/ICSI. I knew this was going to happen, but DH was in denial until we got the call today. He cant seem to understand how bad off we really are fertility wise, considering he was once VERY fertile. I still don't think he believes this is actually happening to us. In a way I understand that because it is a lot to take in, but I also have been conditioning myself for this the last year or so because I had a feeling all along this is where we were headed. It just sucks that we have to pay nearly 20K for something that most couples can do for free in their bedroom and have fun while doing it. Make a baby that is...
On Monday the financial advisor at our clinic will be calling to do a financial consult with us over the phone to give us more information on costs and options. It is A LOT of money we are talking here and the economy is not good right now so we'll see how that goes. After that (no date set yet) we will have a IVF consult with the Dr. to go over the time line, what it involves, and to answer any questions we may have about the process.
I am not sure exactly when we will be starting, but sometime in the near future. The last week has been VERY hard on me. I have been crying every day, sometimes 2-3 times per day. I just felt so lost and in limbo. For those that know me IRL know that I am always a very happy go lucky girl, but what you don't see is a person who's emotional state is wearing thin. I want this to be over, I want the burden of infertility to be gone, I want me back.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Day That Changed The Rest of Our Lives

September 11, 2001. Every year on this day I am taken back to that dreadful morning just like it was yesterday. This is a day none of us will ever forget. A day that changed the rest of our lives, and the world forever.
That morning I was just getting out of the shower, I had class so it was just the start of another normal day for me...that is until I stepped out of the bathroom and heard the commotion on CNN. I sat down on my couch wrapped in a towel, wet hair and all and just starred at the TV in disbelief. I could not believe my eyes. I was frozen. I wanted to believe it was a accident. Then the second plane hit. And then, right then we all knew it was no accident. When the towers fell I cried uncontrollably for all of those on the planes, in the buildings, and for the rescuers risking there lives to save those trapped in the buildings who had a chance to make it out. I cried for the families that had loved ones there that day. I cried for the world that my children would now grow up in because of the events that day.
Every year on this anniversary I light a candle and say a prayer for those we lost, their families, and for those still fighting in "the war against terror" right now. I will never forget.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
I was Tagged
The Rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules to your blog
3. Write 6 random things about yourself
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them
5. Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is posted
So here they are. 6 random things about me:
1) I sleep with a sound machine on every night (the sound of rain).
2) I love to cook.
3) Casino & Waiting to Exhale are my favorite movies..I have seen them both probably 100 times at least.
4) I secretly wish I was famous, or atleast had the perks!
5) I walk around feeling imcomplete, like something is missing from my life every single day. It is a horrible feeling.
6)Me and My DH met online, and from our first date I knew that we would be together.
Okay, now I tag:
Want, Wait and Praying for a Miracle
Hope is Passion for whats Possible
The Wilson's
Monday, September 8, 2008
Totally Devastated
Total count: 300,000 (should be 20-85 MILLION)
Motility: 3% (should be more than 50%)
They did not have the results back on the morph yet, but with counts that low it doesnt really matter. 300 HUNDRED total motile sperm, thats it. I am pretty sure the RE is going to cancel our IUI. It would be a TOTAL waste of money. I dont understand why my DH's body always reacts the oppistite way as it should. Now his hormones are right but look at his S/A results. I am at a loss for words. Needless to say I am completly devastated and I cried all the way home. We cant really afford IVF right now....I dont know what I am going to do, I just cant stop crying. After all that we have been through I was so happy to be able to move forward and look what has happend. I was stupid to think that this might be it for us.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Away Again
I was so busy before I left, but I did call the RE to get the S/A results and the nurse called me back and said that the report had not been written up yet and the lab people were gone, that it usually takes 10 days to get the morph results before they will make up the report...blah blah blah. She told me she would call me back the next day with some of the results because you now they have them and I never heard back from her. So guess who I will be calling monday morning? Yep..the Baby Makers office! AND.. DH goes to the uro on monday to check his levels since starting the injects! There is lots of info to look forward too. I just hope its all good!
I will be flying home tomorrow afternoon, hope every one has a great weekend : )
Monday, September 1, 2008
Home Sweet Home

Thursday, August 28, 2008
On The Road Again..

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
We Have a Plan
Next cycle we will be doing IUI, or intra uterine insemination. I will be taking 50mg. of clomid to induce ovulation, then when the time is right I will get a trigger shot to make me ovulate, then they will shoot DH's prepped sperm directly into my uterus....all this for a grand total of 770 dollars! Oh it feel so good to have a plan and finally feel like we are being proactive, even though with our MFI we still wont have as high of a success rate with IUI as a couple without MFI. We still feel like we should try this before jumping right to IVF, the RE agrees since we are all OOP.
Here is my only worry. Based on my usual cycle length DH may be out of town right around the time when my IUI should take place. Can you believe that shit? Out of all the days of the month, and the one cycle that we are doing treatments he will going away on business (he NEVER travels). He will only be gone 2 days so that makes it easier. I just have to HOPE AND PRAY PRAY PRAY that the timing works out for us. Alot is riding on when I start AF, so we'll see. It is going to going in the back of my mind, and yes I am worried about it but it is out of my control.
Before any of this happens the RE wants DH to get another S/A, which he will get this Thursday. He just wants to see if there is any improvement so far since being on the new meds. Hopefully we will see a improvement! If there is a improvement that will increase our odds of this working. So I am looking forward to that!!
Hormonally I am fine, everything came back normal. Even my prolactin level that they re tested came back fine the second time so thats good. Who knows why I don't ovulate, and the Dr. was not too concerned about it, his only response was "Don't worry we will induce ovulation" I still am on the fence about why I dont ovualte but whatev.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Life With a 4 Year Old

It is also a very dramatic, emotional, everything is SUCH big deal, age...which is funny at times. I can already see how mothers and daughter can not be the best of friends at times because last Saturday me and her were fighting like we were both 15 year old girls that were mad at each other. Oh the DRAMA! It was all because we were running late and she REFUSED to wear what I had out for her, which is normally would not be a big deal because I let her pick between a couple outfits, but this particular morning we did not have time for that. Then she would not let me help her put her cloths or shoes on. I mean we were LATE and all I could do was stand back and watch her INSIST that he skirt was on right, when in fact it was on backwards. Hey, you learn to pick your battles..I have learned that one the hard way. So we left, backwards skirt and all.
Another reason why I love this age so far is that now we can do fun things that not only she appreciates more but will also remember. We are starting to implement more traditions. Like recently we started "Friday Family Movie Fun Night" and boy does she look forward to that! Every Friday evening we go to blockbuster and she is allowed to pick out a movie (this last week it was Underdog) and then we get takeout from a place of her choice. Then we all sit together as a family, eat popcorn and enjoy the movie. I just want her to look back on her childhood and it be filled with great memories of things like that, because it is the little things that count not all the toys and trips, etc.

Saturday, August 23, 2008
Is it Tuesday Yet?
Oh this is a quality I wish I was better at. Being patient....but the whole without becoming annoyed or upset part is where I go wrong. Infertility is sad lonely place filled with lots and lots of waiting and the longer you are faced with infertility the thinner the patience wears it seems. All you can do it take one day at a time and hope it goes by fast. It sucks because aside from this I live a very fulfilled and happy life, but the beast that is infertility forces me to want to rush though it at times. Can you imagine all that waiting only to be disappointed month after month after month. This has been my life for the past 13 months and there are women out there that have done this for YEARS. It is truly heartbreaking......but enough of my rambling.
Tuesday is my follow up RE appointment!! We will go over all of our test results and come up with a treatment plan. I am curious to know what all my b/w shows considering I am 26, healthy but have only ovulated once since January and if my prolactin still came back elevated. We'll see what the doctor says but I am just excited to actually get a chance to move in the right direction finally!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Favorite Thing

Monday, August 18, 2008
My HSG Report
Many of you know how nervous I was about getting this test done...mainly I was scared of the pain. I didn't feel a THING! Not one cramp or twinge of pain the entire time! The only uncomfortable part was when he inserted the speculum, but again not painful just uncomfortable. Once he did that he prepped my cervix by putting some numbing gel on it and let that sit for a few minutes. Then he inserted the catheter and told me that once he starts to put the dye in to let him know where I was pain wise and we would go from there.
As I laid there getting ready to embrace the pain, I started seeing the dye go in on the screen above me then I thought...is this it? When does the painful part start? I asked him and he said that was it! Okay cool...I can handle this. After all the dye was in he tilted my uterus in different positions, took a series of pictures, and then that was it over. He had to put some pressure on my cervix because I started bleeding (which is normal) and after a few minutes I went and got dressed. The whole procedure lasted maybe 20-25 minutes. Wow, all that worry for nothing..I feel so relieved to know that it is over and everything looks good.
I am having some AF type cramps and spotting now but other than that I am good!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Tomorrow is my HSG!
So hopefully it wont be so bad and everything will look as it should. Click here to read more about the HSG test for those who are unfamiliar with it.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Attack of the Fertiles
Everywhere I go I am surrounded by fertile women their pregnancies and/or their kid(s), yes that is plural because either they have 2 or more children already, or a 1-3 year old and one on the way. I feel almost as if they are flaunting the fact that they are fertile and I am not.
I took Kay to a popular play area here the other day and I was defiantly the minority. These places are the breeding ground for fertiles. I was the ONLY one out of say 30-40 moms that only had ONE child and was NOT pregnant. It breaks my heart being anywhere like that now because all I see is siblings playing together and pregnant moms. While I was there I struck up a few conversations with some other mothers. I always get the obligatory "Is she your only one?" but today it was more than that, great more people reminding that I am the infertile minority. This time it was "You decided to have only one huh?". "She really wants a sibling mom you should give her one" and "She is so pretty you HAVE to have another one" GEE if it were only that easy.....
Needless to say it was a hard day. Fertiles just don't understand. I envy the fact that they can just say "Oh honey lets have another baby" and have sex (wow what a concept!) and BAM they are pregnant. These women have no idea how lucky they are.....
My DH always tries to tell me not to think about it...well the truth is that I cant escape it. Everywhere I go, no matter what time of the day, there they are.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
The Great Debate
Think about it, the more meat they make, the more they sell, the more money they make. So they do what ever they can to increase the meat production and they don't give a shit what they have to do to get there, not to mention how they actually treat these animal. If I told you half the things I have researched you would be APPALLED. It is a business just like any other business, they want to make money! These are things we put into our bodies and feed to our children. They should give a shit but they don't. And don't for a second think that you have the USDA on your side keeping your food safe because they don't give a shit either. The USDA has been accused of overlooking these practices, lying about lab reports, altering records, and pressuring staff to lie about these events. They are business first and safety last. I could go on about this for days because I am very passionate about this but I wont do that to you. So all I ask, and for your own good, is that if your going eat meat at least be aware of what you are putting into your body...Now onto the Great Debate....
My husband is adimit that when I get pregnant with our child that I HAVE to eat meat. He thinks there is no way that I can be pregnant and have a healthy child without eating meat and getting protein. First of all, that is NOT going to happen. I will not start eating meat just because I get PG. Second, I did not eat meat when I was PG with Kaylee and she turned out just fine. She weighed 7lbs 3oz at birth and didn't have a third arm growing out of her head. The bottom line is that he can not argue with me about it because he is not informed about it. I, being a vegetarian know what foods I have to eat to get the proper protein I need daily. He has no clue. There are a lot of myths about protein. Most people seem to think that we as humans need ALL THIS PROTEIN in our diet and that is just false. Yes, I know too little is not good for you, but so is too much. Especially the dead animal flesh kind. With a well balanced proper diet, vegetarians get plenty of protein they need. I am doing my best to try and educate him about this but it really frustrates me when he try's to demand I eat meat when I am carrying his child. I think the only way I will ever really get through to him is by having my Dr. talk to him about it.
Until then..every night at the dinner table.....The Great Debate will continue.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
One Month

Sunday, August 10, 2008
Finally Some Good News!
Some interesting news I found out is that when I had my b/w done last cycle my prolactin level came back elevated. Prolactin is a hormone from the pituitary gland and is primarily produced in lactating women. WTF?! They did say that it was only elevated by a point or 2, but they were going to re test it today along with all my other b/w that I needed to get done. So we'll see.
Now I can move forward and get my other testing finished! I have my HSG scheduled for next Monday the 18th, and then a follow up appointment with my RE on the 26th to go over all my test results and come up with a PLAN!!! I am so happy and excited that hopefully next cycle we will be doing some sort of treatment!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
You Like?
Me and my husband on going on a date night tonight to see Bill Maher. We really like watching his show on HBO so we are really looking forward to it!
Then its off to go get vag cammed in the morning : )
Friday, August 8, 2008
Got The Call Back
So Sunday it is! I will update after my appointment. Wish me luck!
A New Leaf
Today is offically CD1 of what hopefully will be a new chapter! I left a message with the nurses line and hopefully I will be able to get in today for my baseline stuff and cyst check. I don't want to waste another day "waiting" so I really hope they can fit me in somewhere. I pray that the cyst is gone and we can get the baby ball rolling.....finally.
I also want to have a meeting with the RE to go over my DH's S/A results and see what he thinks about us trying IUI's. DH is not ready financially for IVF just yet (we are all OOP) but is okay with IUI's for now. He knows that the HCG injects are helping, he can feel it, and there are other signs that it is working too. So we are hoping that the Dr. agrees and maybe we have a good chance with IUI's.
We'll see!!
"He who has hope has everything." - Arabian Proverb
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Fertile vs. Infertile Women
Faint line at 11dpo
Fertile Woman: “I’m pregnant!” (tells friends, family and sticks a pregnancy ticker on her siggy)
IF Woman: “It’s probably a false positive….”
Strong line at 15dpo
Fertile Woman: Picking names…
IF Woman: “I’m not pregnant until its official with a beta”
Beta #1 comes back great
Fertile Woman: “I’m sure its twins”
IF Woman: “I won’t consider myself pregnant until I see a doubling beta”
Beta doubles
Fertile Woman: Starts working on designs for the nursery
IF Woman: “I won’t consider myself pregnant until I see a heartbeat”
Fertile Woman: Starts shopping for maternity clothes…
IF Woman: “I won’t consider myself pregnant until I’m past the first trimester…”
End of First Trimester
Fertile Woman: “I can’t wait to know boy or girl already!”
IF Woman: “I won’t breathe a sigh of relief until my amnio comes back OK….”
End of Second Trimester
Fertile Woman: Has a baby shower
IF Woman: “I won’t breathe a sigh of relief till I’m clear for gestational diabetes and Rh antibodies…”
Third Trimester
Fertile Woman: “Pregnancy sucks. I can’t wait till he/she is here already”
IF Woman: “Wow.. I actually may be pregnant..!”
Birth of the baby
Fertile Woman: “We have a baby!”
IF Woman: “We have a miracle!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Are You Kidding Me?
The latest from Blogger Buzz
Blogger Babies
August 4, 2008 — permalink
Babies are all the buzz at Blogger. Within the last few months we've had three new additions to the Blogger Team: Ryan, Aditya, and Haley. Although it'll probably be a few years before they start sounding off themselves, we get to post some cute pics of them now.
Great, now even the place come to vent about infertility is putting babies in my face. Thanks a lot blogger!
CD 34 and The Secret
I am really trying to be positive, but after being kicked when your down so many times it makes it really hard. Every time I get like this (bitter and negative) I pick up The Secret and read it again. It always puts me back in a good place again, but I let my friend Ambie borrow it, so I don't have it now. I am a firm believer in that you get what you put out there, so if you are negative all the time, negative things will happen to you and vice versa. I don't believe in everything that the book says, but the general message. I don't believe, for example, that if you THINK you are skinny, that you will be and that's it. I do believe however that if you think that your body is a gift and and that you deserve it, and that food is nourishment for your body you will be thinner because you will make better food choices.
If you wake up thinking bad or negative thoughts and think to yourself "I am going to have a bad day today" do you think you are going to have a good happy day? NO! Your going to have a shitty day because you started your day off like that. You get what you put out there. You set yourself up for a terrible day. If you wake up and the first thing you do is be thankful for all the good and wonderful things in your life I guarantee you will have a better day. It really does make a difference in your life having that kind of mind frame all the time!! You are the only one that is in charge of YOU. You are the only one that can control how you feel, what kind of outlook you are going to have, and your life. It is also very easy to get off track and let the negativity from day to day life take over, but like anything else it is how you acknowledge that and move on from difficult times that define you.
So for those of you that have not read The Secret I suggest you pick it up!! Tomorrow is a new day. I am going to wake up with a more positive outlook, be thankful for all that I do have, and hopefully start my period : )
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Why Do I Do This To Myself?
I just get so sad being overwhelmed with all the pregnancy tickers, belly shots, u/s pics, due dates, and baby pics. I just want to be one of them so bad and for this horrible chapter in my life to be over.
I am a big believer in everything happens for a reason, but I cant possibly see any reason why this is happening to me or what good can come out of struggling with infertility. It is simply not fair.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Happy Birthday To Me

Birthdays have always been a really big deal to me. I am not sure if it is because I was pretty much a only child and was spoiled rotten on every birthday as a child or what, but even as a adult my birthday celebrations last AT LEAST 3-4 days prior and post my actual birthday.
So it all started 2 days ago. I went to the most upscale mall here and got my new Michael Kors bag and spent the day shopping. It was for quitting smoking and my birthday gift sort of thing. They did not have the exact one I wanted (it sold out), but I gone one that was equally fabulous!!! It is so new, that the ad campaign for it is not even out yet! So I am VERY excited about my new purse....made me a very happy girl. I got a few other things as well. It was a nice day of retail therapy for me.
Since today is my actual birthday today I am having a dinner with my family at an old Italian spot here. It has been a family favorite for years now and it will be nice to have everyone together to celebrate. Then tomorrow night my parents are keeping Kaylee and DH is taking me to Trader Vic's. I have been DIEING to go there since it opened, so I am very excited!! So all in all it should be a great birthday this year.
P.S. I am on CD 30 and still waiting for AF! I have been PMSing pretty bad so hopefully she shows up soon before I kill someone.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Celebrities and Infertility
Click here to read
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Better Today
Now....COME ON AF!!! Lets get this show on the road!
Monday, July 28, 2008
What's Going On Now?
All day today I have been REALLY bloated, and my uterus feels super sensitive. These things are not normal for me so I am not sure what to think. Yesterday I was thinking it was because I didn't not ovulate again and maybe I was having pains because my body was trying to? I don't know. At one point today my hubby started rubbing my tummy and said "Oh baby" like there was a baby in there and joked that I really looked PG. For that one split second I could see what it would be like if I was actually PG, it was quite depressing actually.
The RE's office said I could come in in the morning to get checked out if I would like, but the only appointment they had was at their office across town (they have 4 offices in my city). I told them I didn't think I could make it and that I would see how things go tonight. I am on CD 26, and my cycles are usually 30-35 days. I am hoping I get AF soon so I can go back in to get my cyst checked and hopefully finish out my b/w.
I don't know what is going on with my body now. Weird.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Favorite Things

I wanted to share with you all one of my favorite things right now. Lancome's Flash Bronzer Airbrush I am now hooked on this stuff! I have never been a fan of self tanners in the past, but this one is different. It is a aerosol spray, meaning no streaks and you can get those hard to reach places! Perfect color so you have a great natural looking tan in one hour!! I seriously love it!!
I also use Lancome's Flash Bronzer Face Gel when I do the self tan. You surly don't want a tan body and a white face. This stuff is great, it has vitamin E, is very light weight, and doesn't clog your pores. Once it is on you cant even tell you put anything on your face.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
First One Down

My DH did his first injection yesterday and surprisingly he said it was not bad!! We'll see how he feels after 100's more of them. He must really love me because that needle goes in deep and has to go into the muscle of his thigh or butt. I don't know if I have said this before but he already has 2 children of his own and I have Kaylee, so he would be fine not having anymore kids. He is doing this all for me. I made it very clear on our first date that 1) I wanted to get married and 2) I wanted to have another child. Those were my deal breakers and he knew it. After being together for a while, he told me one day that "I love Kaylee so much and think it would be really neat for us to have one together". I just love him so much for going through all of this and being so supportive the entire way. He tells me it WILL happen, who cares if we need medical help, we WILL have a child together.
When dealing with infertility you go through periods of being really hopeful and periods of being extremely bitter. Well since Thursday I have been really bitter about the whole thing. I mean I know we are doing what we can to fix DH enough, but what have we actually done to get PG?? NOTHING! Not one thing!! I think I would feel SO much better if we could just TRY something, even if it would fail at least we would be TRYING instead of just waiting...waiting...waiting.... like we have done the last 6 months!! I am sick of waiting!! I want to start trying something!
I am waiting (story of my life) to get my period so I can get my cyst checked and HOPEFULLY move forward with my testing. If the cyst is gone I can get my HSG, and all the rest of my b/w that I need to get done. If the cyst is still there I don't know what they are going to do. Probably put me on the pill to help it go down or surgically remove it. It better be gone!! With the size that is was I am not sure. I just want to find out what is wrong with me. Why don't I ovulate??? UGH!!! Ya know at least if I ovualted we could be trying at home every month...but NO cant even do that.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
The S/A Results....
Count: 45 ml (normal)
Volume: 1.9 ml
Motility: 11% (really low)
Morph (Kruger Strict) 14% (low)
pH: 8.6 (too high)
Viscosity: Slightly increased
We were very surprised he had that many sperm given his testosterone was 36!! Normal is above 240. But with the motility being SO low, our only option right now is IVF. So really he only has 8 ml. mobile sperm and that is really low, not even enough to try IUI, and almost impossible to get PG naturally (and even if we could I dont ovulate!)!! He is starting the injects today and will get F/U B/W in one month from now, and hopefully his hormones will be up. He will get another S/A in 3 more months, and I pray pray pray this helps so we can at least be able to do IUI's instead of jumping right to IVF. Right now is a really bad time financially with my DH buying commerical property and all and we would not be able to fork over 14 grand today. We are giving this one last shot. I REALLY hope it helps!! I will be CRUSHED if we wait another 3 months trying something else that fails....
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Catching Up

Friday, July 18, 2008
**Viva Las Vegas**
One thing I think is really cute is that every night for dinner we plan on all dressing up, even the girls. Since it is their first girls weekend and all it is in order : ) So today I will be packing and getting us ready because we have a early flight to catch.
I am looking forward to this. With the results of DH's S/A looming over my head and everything else, I need a good distraction. And of course I found out yesterday that someone else I know is PG and I am just sure how much more I can take.
I will post pics when I return!! Oh and P.S. today is day 4 of not smoking and I am doing great, each day has gotten a little easier.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Dum Dum Dum
I have to drop his sample off in the morning sometime. I just hope that he doesn't give me any trouble about doing it since he has tried to use just about every excuse already why he doesn't want to/cant do it. I know it is a mental thing with him, but it HAS to be done for us to move forward in any way.
I will be waiting anxiously for the results! I am not sure how long it is going to take to get them back. We do have a appointment with the uro next week to go over everything and discuss the next steps, but hopefully I can get the results before then.
Wish my DH luck!! A lot of decisions are boiling down to these results. Stay tuned....
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Weight Loss & Smoking Update
Now onto the weight loss......
I DID IT! I reached my goal weight of 108 pounds!! I lost a total of 14 pounds in the last 2(ish) months!! I feel great, and my body looks the way I am used to it looking...slim and toned! I stuck to my diet (except my 1 cheat meal a week), went to the gym 5-6 days a week, and I accomplished my goal!! Now I am thinking that I want to get down to 105 pounds. That is my all time dream weight, and since I am only 3 pounds away, why not? I want to be in the BEST shape of my life before my next pregnancy (if that ever happens) so I can continue to workout and eat right while I am PG. So I think I will drop the 3 pounds, and then maintain by loosening up on my diet, but continuing to workout. If I workout 5-6 days a week I can eat what ever I want and not gain weight, but I wont loose weight either I will just maintain which is good for me : )
YIPPEEEE! SO many positive changes in my life. I am quitting smoking, I have lost weight, I eat healthier and almost all organic, and my DH and I are finally getting somewhere on this house with the city. Now if we could just get PG life would be perfect!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Infertility's Common Thread

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Is God Listening?
And then the sweetest, saddest thing happened.
She folded her little hands, closed her eyes tightly and said:
"Dear god, thank you for my beautiful family and thank you for my mommy. Can you please please give me a brother or a sister, I really want a brother or a sister. With liberty and justice for all. Amen"
I laughed that she added the end of the pledge of allegiance, but it was so sad for me to see her praying so hard and so sweet for a sibling. I was holding back the tears.
All I can do is pray that god will answer her prayers.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
What To Expect When Your NOT Expecting
1) Babies don't come with a handbook and neither does infertility.
2) You never REALLY know what its like or how it feels unless you have experienced it.
3) You don't know what to expect, or how things are going to work out because you have never done it before.
I wish there was a manual for how to deal with infertility, or something that tells you exactly what you are going to have to do to fix it. Sort of like the "What to Expect When Your Expecting" book. It tells you each month throughout your pregnancy the things that can and will arise each month, what things to worry about, things to disregard, and how to prepare yourself and body for birth, etc.
there is no book about What To Expect When Your NOT expecting and I think there should be! Maybe the author of those books will find my blog and consider it. That's all.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
My Little Princess
I Quit!

My DH said after I have quit for 4 days I can get a new purse!! I love him. For those that don't know, I am OBSESSED with handbags and have a pretty nice collection! So I have had my eye on this new Michael Kors bag and this is going to be my motivation!
I set a date.....Monday July14th is the day I am going to quit!! Until then I am going to try and cut back to prepare myself. I know I can do it because I have done it before...the trick for me is STAYING quit when life gets tough. The last 3 times I started back up again was due to major stress in my life. Bare with me as I may be a bitch next week....you have been warned!!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
My 4th of July Festivites
When everyone left I told my DH and he was surprised that so many people asked me..and he asked if I was okay. I told him that I hate having to lie, but I understand that this is very personal and I don't want everyone knowing all of our issues. He said next time someone asks to just tell them that we are trying but we are having some problems. I agree, but you know when I tell someone that they are going to ask "What kind of problems?" and then what the hell am I gonna say? Its like opening a can of worms....infertile worms.
But last night turned out wonderful!! All the kids (there were about 10 here) had a blast and enjoyed the fireworks, of course Kaylee loved having other children around to play with....now if I had only remembered to take pics. Shoot!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Will It Ever End?
First it was my DH's old meds..then we had to wait, then it was the clomid..then that didnt work, then they increase the does..then that didn't work...then I was going to get all my tests done so we could start treatments..then we found the cyst so now I cant finish....AGGGHHHHHH!!! So now we have to wait longer before we can even start. I swear I am starting to wonder if this will ever end. I just want to START A TREATMENT, then at least we will be trying to have a baby. I am tired of waiting and it's killing me.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Houston We Have a Problem
I get undressed and am waiting on the exam table for the nurse to come in and start my u/s. There is a large screen on the wall where I can see the u/s too, so I thought that was cool. I have never had a internal u/s without a baby inside me before so I was very interested to see how everything looked in there.
The nurse walks in and we begin. As soon as she put the wand inside me she said "WOW, whatcha got in there?" the FIRST thing that popped into my mind was "OMG is there a baby in there??" I said back to her "I don't know what is it" she says "Well it looks like you have a big cyst on one of your ovaries" WHAT?!? I do?? I asked her how big it was and she said that is was pretty large. She asked me if I have had any pain or anything like that, and I said no because I haven't. So she does her thing and takes all her measurements, and then goes back to measure the cyst. The cyst looked like the size of a apricot, or a big lime/lemon...a big black circle on the screen. She could not even see that ovary because the cyst was covering it up.
She moves on to check out my left ovary and its normal, everything looked good. But I did have some follicles in there (when you are on AF, your not supposed to have any in there) She began to count and measure them....and I have 21 follicles in there!! another WHAT?!? To have that many in there is CRAZY. She said to me "You don't ovulate do you?" NOPE, sure don't, so she said they have just been collecting in there and never releasing. But the good news is that means I don't have a low ovarian reserve (I have a good, normal amount of eggs, but just don't ovulate)If my husband didn't have male factor I would be sleeping in another room....because you know if I ever do ovulate it WILL be more than one egg. That really freaked me out.
So because of the cyst they had to cancel my HSG coming up because the dye being shot up there could cause that ovary to twist, or even cause the cyst to explode. They want me to come back for a cyst check and either it can go away on its own (which I doubt being the size that it is and my luck), give me meds to reduce it, or have it surgically removed. We can not do ANY treatments until the cyst is taken care of. I am supposed to get a call from one of the Dr.'s about what they want me to do next. I was also instructed to call if I start having ANY pain at all, because it could rupture.
Nothing with my fertility issues ever goes smoothly, but I was totally NOT expecting all this. I do however feel some sense of relief because at least I am getting some answers. I have known that I haven't been ovulating for the past 9 months now, so I KNEW something was wrong with me but I would have never guessed I had a cyst. Who knows how long its been there.
I will update when I hear from the Dr. although because of the holiday it may not be until Monday.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
My 4th of July Menu
Great Grilled Vegetable Sandwich
Chop parsley and thyme. Cut cooled potatoes into 1 1/2-inch pieces. In a bowl gently toss potatoes with herbs, oil, shallot, and salt and pepper to taste. Serve potato salad at room temperature.
Grilled Avocado, Tomato, Red Onion Salad (My Fav!)
To Prepare:
Place avocado halves in a bowl and drizzle with olive oil. Place each half on a hot open grill for about 30 to 45 seconds. Remove and place on top of the tomatoes arranged on tray. Drizzle with olive oil again.
In another bowl, cover the red onion slices with the juice from the lemon half and olive oil. Place onions in the empty avocado pit holes. Cover with the lemon/olive oil mix. Then, top with pesto, distributing generously on all sides. Sprinkle pine nuts and cheese on top, to taste.